July 2nd, 2017
Day One
I have realized that I do not want to create websites all my life. Simply put, I see no long term value in it. This is something I would stop cold turkey after my NYSC
I want to do actual things and right know, I have a few possibilities I'm courting.
First of all (in no particular order), is Agriculture. I would love to make a huge impact in Agriculture, especially in Nigeria. This is a sector that has been swindling in the past decade. Although I would want it majorly mechanized, I would want it to create as much employment opportunities as possible. I am thinking of farming both plants as well as animals. I will also look to see that the raw materials are processed and the by-products are recycled. More research will be needed, but the possibilities are seemingly endless
Another area I would love to try my hands, is Real Estate. It is no secret that overpopulation is becoming a problem; and with the ever-increasing population density; the average price of land, as well as rent, is going through the roof. My solution; which isn't really a ground-breaking discovery as it has been implemented in advanced countries since time immemorial, is to build high-rising apartments and rent/lease out floors to people. This uses up less space as well as creating more value. Though the R.O.I will take about 10-15 years to fully mature, I will be solving a crucial problem in Third World nations. Alternatively, with a bit of creativity, I can mock up a design for building an estate on the sea! No sand. A fully floating metallic (or whatever material) estate. Could be a tourist destination too
Thirdly, but not finally, I would venture into Energy. This is more of a world problem, but I will like to test run it in Africa. Basically, if it can work in Africa, it can work anywhere else. Energy is a tricky problem because it has to be safe, affordable and clean (renewable). I'd like to believe that oil is but just a tip of the iceberg, yet tycoons like Otedola and whoever it is that 'created' Shell, have already made a name for themselves. Futuristic sources will have to be tested. Nuclear is not as far as we can go. Although we could always settle for solar, what's the fun in that?
Dreams turn to wishes without actions. It's not enough to talk the talk. I have to walk the walk.
Day TwoI am still attempting to register my business with CAC. It's been a drag. I would've scrapped it all together, but I think I like the idea of doing business with my corporate name, as well as having a cheque book
Day ThreeI have been making good progress on the cake website. Expect it to be up before the end of this week month
I have been working on a design for my business card. I just need to find someone to print it for me. I'll start with about 50 copies. I will probably post it on my Instagram page and put a link here to show you guys. I used a similar design for my twitter header. You can view it here
Day SixI made an error in the CAC registeration, so I have to go to the bank and iterate.
I think this week I have 'developed my design skills'. It's been a fantastic learning curve. I think I am a minimalist. I don't believe in excessive designs. I love beauty in it's simplicity
Day SevenCommunications with some certain people seems to have faded. I'll do my best to revamp them
One thing I would try to do as a minor hobby is to write film scripts. I don't think I want to be an actor, but I think I may be able to drum up great (or pretty good) storylines